
Friday, August 30, 2013

Five for Friday-First Week Down and a Giveaway!

It is Friday, we made it! For some reason every year I forget how exhausting the first week of school is. I can't believe my last post was Monday! I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday linky.
Back to school is always a busy time. My students and I spend most of the week setting up our interactive notebooks, working on our Penny Book Project, and establishing our classroom community.

We saved Fred.

We graphed our strengths and weakness and brainstormed how they think I should teach them based on their graphs. (It really is brilliant what kids can come up with if we give them the chance!)

We also learned how to play SCOOT using these task cards.
I've also been busy creating. I purchased a lot of great Common Core aligned items from TPT, but I haven't found a culminating assessment that contains all the standards for that topic in one "test." So I decided to make my own. So far I've only created assessments for Number Base Ten and Operations and Algebraic Thinking. I'm planning to work on the Fractions Assessment this weekend. You can check them out in my TPT store.

I'm also excited to hold a Back to School Giveaway! You can win your very own Quietest Classroom Sharpener.
My new class is LOVING our sharpener, and I am excited that you can get the sharpener in pink! You must live in the USA to win the sharpener (sorry international friends!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
What have you been up to this week?


  1. Have you blogged about the strengths and weaknesses graph before? What did you have the kids do?

    Looks like a very productive week in your classroom!


  2. I'm glad to hear your first week went well.

    Thank you for the give away. I love my pencil sharpener, and I certainly could use another.


  3. Looks like you are off to a great start! Enjoy your 3 day weekend.

    1. I am looking forward to watching my kids growth in reading and writing!

  4. Your assessments look great! Very accurate! Thank you for sharing!!!

  5. I am looking forward to a new organization system for the kids :)

    Fifth in the Middle

  6. What exactly did you have the kids graph? I'm all about kids looking closely at how they do and setting goals!

    1. Having kids set goals is what I'm looking forward to by the way :)

  7. This is my first year teaching so everything is pretty exciting! I especially look forward to getting to know my kids and developing positive relationships with them.

  8. I'm looking forward to implementing new ideas!

  9. I'm looking forward to watching my kiddos grow and learn.

  10. Hey Bethany,

    Great contest! I could definitely use a pink pencil sharpener!

    This year, I am most looking forward to starting interactive notebooks. I have some great resources that I'm looking forward to using.

    That darn Fred....he must be one troublesome guy because we are going to be saving him on Thursday!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  11. I'm looking forward to working this year after being on sick leave the whole last year. Not fun!

  12. I am looking forward to making another group of children feel successful in first grade!

  13. I am looking forward to making another group of children feel successful in first grade!

  14. I bet your kids had a boas saving Fred. Such a fun way to start the school year!

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  15. This whole saving Fred activity is so funny! Glad that you survived your first week, and thanks for hosting this giveaway. I'm looking forward to fresh starts and staying more organized.

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
    Follow me on Bloglovin!

  16. I am looking forward to a new batch of kiddos, no longer being a first year teacher, and staying more organized!

  17. I am looking forward to great year of watching my first graders learn and blossom!

  18. I'm looking forward to meeting my new kids and watching them grow. I also can't wait to do the saving Fred activity - I saw it on pinterest and have been dying to do it. :)

  19. The Penny book! I had forgotten about that!

  20. The thing I was looking forward to most about the new school year was meeting my students! We started in early August, so it's safe to say I know them quite well now, and I can't believe how much their personalities have come out since the first day!
    - Sarah Beth
    Miss White's Classroom

  21. I am looking forward to implementing all of the great ideas that I have been able to find in blogs and pinterest.

  22. Thanks for the giveaway. I am most looking forward to the new group of kids and using my interactive notebooks. We did something similar in Mexico, but not the same. So, I was wondering if you could share what you do to get your interactive notebooks set up that first week. I am thinking along the lines of cover, table of contents, and maybe glossary and rubric or numbering the first few pages. I would love t hear about setting these up.


  23. I am looking forward to watching my children grow and learn, use new interactive ideas, including notebooks, and more brain based activities.
    Toni Nicholson

  24. I am looking forward to getting to know a new group of kids!

    Rosie's Rambles

  25. Working in a brand new school with lots of amazing technology and meeting my new family for the year.

  26. Boy, am I going to miss teaching math. Your new assessments look amazing, Bethany! I am most looking forward to using mentor sentences with the whole 4th grade this year. :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  27. Cindy B (on rc/fb) ~ I am most looking forward to seeing the kids change through out the year... I am an aspiring photographer so I take lots of pics :D

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I am looking forward to seeing how much growth the kids are going to make this year!

  30. I am looking forward to watching my second graders change and improve their skills this year.

  31. I'm looking forward to making my son change his mind about 'hating school'. Trying my best to make it fun and interesting and about what he likes. He's a homeschooling first grader.

    I've added your giveaway to my Classroom Friendly Pencil Sharpener Linky Party.

  32. I'm looking forward to trying some new strategies I learned about through the blogs I follow and seeing my students' eager faces, ready for new learning!

  33. I have a new position & am looking forward to working w/ students & teachers at different grade levels.

  34. I'm looking forward to getting interactive notebooks started.

  35. I am looking forward to working with younger kiddos! Spent the last five years in middle school and am now moving on to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Reading Intervention!

  36. I'm looking forward to working with a fresh new bunch of kids!
