
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Keeping Students Motivated with Projects

Happy Saturday everyone! This week has been a long week and I am so glad it is over! I started to catch up on everyone's blogs this morning and it sounds like a lot of you have had long weeks too! I'm linking up with Joanne at Head Over Heels for Teaching for her Spark Student Motivation Saturdays.
We have 18 1/2 days left of the school year (only 15 of those days are teaching days,) and I have some much I still want to do with the kids. The problem is, they are "done." Since I started teaching the end of the year has always been a battle to keep their attention. So I have been taking assignments that may not be the most exciting for kids and letting them be creative. That way we are still learning, but the kids are enjoying the process...and I don't feel like I am battling the "summer brain" as often!

This week my students finished their biome research reports, but instead of turning it in as a report, we created a poster of our biomes. The kids were able to print pictures for their biomes and also wrote an acrostic poem of their biomes. The kids worked really well, staying focused and excited about the project. Here are a few of the finished products:

What do you do to motivate your students during this time of the year?


  1. My kids have asked me multiple times- since the test is over, why are we still learning?? It kills me!!!!! We are doing some fun projects too though so hopefully their learning isn't too hard on them. LOL
    ideas by jivey
    Follow Me On Facebook! :)

  2. I also love doing projects for the end of the year. Anything that takes the direct instruction aspect out of the teaching is the right way to go. The kids don't want to sit and listen to a lecture or even do a whole class activity or work. Getting them up, active, and doing is the best way to end the year. I love how you chose to turn this into a project instead of a report!
    :) Erin
    I'm Lovin Lit

  3. Projects are a great idea for the end of they year. We also do independent novel studies to keep us motivated. Congrats on being so close to the end!!

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  4. These look fabulous and I bet the kids loved doing them. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  5. Your projects look great and I think they're a great idea for this time of year...keeps them engaged. I'm doing owl pellets next week-have you done these yet? We're also starting our Math Curse books. Thanks for linking up and sharing.
    Head Over Heels For Teaching
