I'm currently in the middle of an excellent graduate course. It is called, Teaching the Diverse Learner. It is one of those courses that helps to stretch and challenge you as an educator. I love these kinds of classes because I really believe that we, as teachers, should always be learning.
This past week we have been studying Multiple Intelligences. Evaluating which intelligences we naturally teach to and which intelligences we tend to neglect. It was eye-opening to see which intelligences I don't normally create activities for.
Our assignment this week was to create eight stations/centers that we could have in our classroom during a particular unit of study. One of my favorite units of study is our electricity so I created my centers around that unit.
I wanted to share them with you, just in case you are like me and you don't naturally think of ideas that fit into each intelligence. You can download for free here.
Using activities that meet each of the learning intelligences will really spark some motivation in my kiddos. For other ways to Spark Motivation, head over to Joanne's blog and check out her linky party.