
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Flashback to the 1950s? Oh, it's just the 50th day of school

It's Tuesday, and I am excited to have my act together enough to link up with Holly for her Tried it Tuesday linky!
We celebrated our 50th day of school yesterday. The 50th day normally passes by without any acknowledgement from me, until this year. Our kindergarten teacher came up with a fabulous idea that the rest of the classes jumped in on. We dressed like 1950s!

My boys came in with slicked back hair, rolled up jeans and t-shirts on. A few of them had leather jackets or button up sweaters. A few of my girls wore poodle skirts, the rest had rolled jeans and cute shirts with scarves on their necks.

My kiddos are so cute, don't you agree? (I do know I am totally biased!)

I also created a little 50th Day of School question page that my kiddos filled out while they ate 50 M&Ms. You can grab it by clicking the link or the picture below.
Do you do anything to celebrate the 50th day? What activities do you do?


  1. Are you kidding me? How cute is this?? I love it!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  2. Ohhhh...I really want to do this. I think our 50th day already passed by. :(
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  3. What a great idea! I have never celebrated the 50th day of school before, but I will definitely pin this idea to use next year - how cute! :)

    Joy in the Journey

  4. How fun! The kids do look adorable! Thanks for your comment on my blog today : )
    Kids Math Teacher

  5. Oh my!! This is the most adorable idea ever!!! Now, I am trying to figure out how many days we have been in school!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  6. I love the 50th day of school. When I taught grade 2/3 we had a huge 50th day of school. We dressed up, did math activities, compared toys and life in the 50`s to the present and had a sock hop! So much fun. The funnies part, trying to read Dick and Jane books - wow, those are not mentor texts!!
